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Moab, Utah - Hells Revenge : 2003-04-17

Our sweet ladies had arrived the night before and were wanting to get out and see some Moab action too. We had been wanting to run Hells Revenge for a while and it seemed like the perfect day.

After hopping on the big fin you take into the trail and cruising up to the top.. I got a chance to see Bump Dump for the first time. Didn't look too entertaining.. and after coming back later to watch for a while, I can say with some certainty that Potato Salad has a much higher entertainment value.

I think everyone in the group thought Hells Revenge was going to be harder than it really was. Of course if we had played around on Tip Over Challenge and the Escalator, things would have been substantially harder.. but just running the trail itself was kinda anti-climactic. Don't get me wrong, we all had a good time, and the scenery was as beautiful as ever up there.. but the trail was PACKED with Jeeps and after running it I think we all had expected worse.

I'll definitely run it again.. but in Suzi so I can play on all the optional stuff.

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